• EWTO Schweiz News

violence prevention

Violence prevention for schools

Perpetrators seek victims - pupils abandon their victim attitude, depriving potential perpetrators of an important basis for aggressive behaviour.

Violence prevention lessons at schools teach children and young people the ability to take responsibility for their own safety. Through the practical and theoretical examination of the topic, they gain more self-esteem and at the same time learn a more respectful way of dealing with each other. We offer tailor-made training courses for every need.
Children and young people who have learned to behave wisely in dangerous situations lay the foundation for their whole lives. Even as adults, you will not be helpless in such situations.
Are you organising a course at your school? We will be happy to advise you and offer you a course tailored to your needs: info@ewto.ch

Wer kämpft, kann verlieren. Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren.
Bertold Brecht , EWTO Schweiz